Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hello, World

I am a professional procrastinator. I maintain that chivalry is not dead. I spend too much time on the internet. I recently returned to Mountain Dew after a lengthy caffeine fast. I climb rocks, trees, and anything I'm not supposed to. I am addicted to education. I eat ice cream from the carton. I judge you when you use poor grammar.

I think the glass is half full if it has just been poured into and half empty if it has just been poured out of.

I like to help people, even when I'm already over-committed. I believe sarcasm to be the highest form of humor known to man. I have more books than I can realistically read, but I want more. I think Anchorman is the funniest movie in the history of the world. I have a secret plan to hack the number of hours in a day.

I believe that in pleasure and pain, in passion and tedium, in bravery and doubt, lies the beauty and simplicity of life.

I'm from Tennessee, and I miss it dearly. I currently belong to the US Navy, and next fall I'll be a student at MIT! Next week will be my first visit to the campus, and I plan to share my adventures with you here. Now that you know who I am, feel free to introduce yourself!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Ben.


Hawkins said...

lol, nice.

Anonymous said...

Yay for blogness!

I don't get the whole glass-half-empty/glass-half-full thing. Really, just ask for a refill.

Anonymous said...

Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging (not that I actually blog or anything, just stalk other people, but that doesn’t matter...).

“I have a secret plan to hack the number of hours in a day.”
Hilarious – quite the perfect hack for an MIT student, that’s for sure.

I can’t wait to hear about your crazy adventures at MIT (NEXT WEEK). You are going to have a great time, and I look forward to hearing (reading?) all about it.

FreeLance said...

hey hawk! you better put online a great summary ! think about me, prospective living in Benin...anyway have fun !

Paul said...

Hey Hawk. Great intro. :)

Looking forward to reading - and to seeing you next week. We can blog about EACH OTHER. :D

Hawkins said...

@Wings - lol, as Nance says... "Is the glass half empty or half full? Who cares, I ordered a pizza!"

@Star - Thanks! Glad I have a stalker; usually I'm the one doing the stalking. =)

@Isshak - I'll try to post something up to your standards - let me know if I'm slipping up, k?

@Paul - GREAT IDEA! Haha, if we blogged about each other's blogs, would we fall into an endless recursive loop?!

Anonymous said...

Hawkins --
Oh my gosh! I wondered when you were going to get a blog! This is such a thrilling development. Yay! I can't wait to hear (read?) all about your experiences. I LOVE your glass half empty/half full quote, by the way.

Anonymous said...

It makes me laugh to see that you are in Norfolk right now. That's near my old house! (Also, people here have NO IDEA had to pronounce it.)

Anonymous said...

Third post in a row! Woo hoo! (Just kidding!) Anyway, just wanted you to know that even though my latest blog post says "goodbye", I'm not actually leaving. (Not that this is a major concern of yours, or anything. lol)

Anyway, I'll still be here to comment, I just can't publish new posts. :(

Hawkins said...

I'm so glad to hear you're not really leaving us, Kate! I was worried, honestly. I love your blog.

FreeLance said...

haha, up to my standards ? hehehe does it mean you are under my full control ? niark niark i'm sensing the dark force pulling me...
what am i doing here ! i should be doing maths! well gotta go! and i completely trust your blog, so don't think about my standards, but about the match...wait a minute, I think I'm mixing up something here...

Anonymous said...

"The match", hahah, you're comment actually made me laugh there - but the match is the most important thing, of course :)

Hawkins said...

All this talk of matches makes me want to burn something.

FreeLance said...

are you telling me you're a pyromaniac ? then we got so much to share !! ^^